Pink Coat Power Hour

Desiring the wisdom and power of your Women Physician sisters? Designed as a monthly Mastermind Problem-Solving Session, bring your day-to-day struggles and dilemmas to our monthly Pink Coat Power Hour.

Facilitated live once a month by Expert Women’s Leadership and Empowerment Coaches, Betsy Flanagan, MBA and Tammie Chang, MD.

By participating in these sessions, you will:

  • Gain the collective wisdom and shared experience of your Women Physician sisters
  • Problem-solve your own dilemmas and struggles
  • Help other women physicians solve their dilemmas and struggles
  • Know that you are not alone
  • And more…

[Offered Monthly, 3rd Saturday of Each Month @ 1–2pm PT]

Not Enrolled
Free to Members

Course Includes

  • 1 Lesson