Negotiation for Women Physicians

It’s been said “you don’t get what you deserve, you get what you negotiate.” Many women physicians avoid negotiating, while others may fail to recognize the multitude of opportunities to negotiate — about the roles they play, about the resources they need to be effective, about support and buy-in from their teams and leadership, and ultimately, about their future success.

Our negotiation training sessions are led live by Expert Negotiation Instructors, Jessica Notini, JD and Betsy Flanagan, MBA.

By participating in these sessions, you will:

  • Master the crucial skill of negotiation and secure a place for yourself at the decision-making table
  • Learn strategies and tactics to advocate effectively for yourself
  • Develop confidence to use your unique interpersonal strengths, and leverage influence you may not realize you have
  • Learn how to avoid common negotiation pitfalls and traps
  • Learn a Step-by-step process to step into your personal power
  • Learn how to make negotiation win/win
  • Understand the power of using negotiating as a problem-solving tool
  • And more…
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Course Includes

  • 7 Lessons